by bssys | Jun 6, 2017 | news
We are delighted to have weekly deliveries from the “Five-a-Day” Fruit and Vegetable shop on Gloucester Road - helping us provide well-being from the inside-out as well as bringing beautiful colours to our kitchen table at Chandos House!
by bssys | Jun 5, 2017 | event
Dear All! Please come and join us on the 4th July and help us launch our Chandos House Treatment for Addiction Community Interest Company. Come and meet our Head of Treatment, our Patrons, Staff and Residents! Everyone is...
by bssys | Jun 2, 2017 | news
Huge survey shows gender gap and the need for ‘cultural shift’ says charity chief. Men are far less likely to seek medical support for a mental health problem than women, new figures reveal. A survey commissioned by the Mental Health Foundation found that not only are...
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